Practice Areas
BoiesBattin has consistently been recognized as a leading advocate for consumers and businesses suffering consumer protection and antitrust harm. Our attorneys have been lead counsel in some of the largest and most complex antitrust and consumer protection class actions of the past decade. The firm has successfully pursued claims in federal and state courts against some of the most powerful corporations in the world, and has recovered in excess of a billion dollars for our clients.
- Antitrust
- Securities
- Consumer Protection
- Product Liability
BoiesBattin has been at the forefront of national efforts to reign in cartels and corporations engaging in anticompetitive conduct in violation of U.S. antitrust laws.
Our attorneys excel in representing Indirect Purchasers in the prosecution of large, high-stakes antitrust cases involving price-fixing conspiracies, exclusive dealing arrangements, monopolization schemes, and other illegal behavior. The experience our firm has obtained over the past two decades has translated into large recoveries for our clients totaling over $1 billion.

Federal securities laws are designed to protect investors by requiring publicly traded companies to communicate with investors in a truthful and timely manner. Each year, however, numerous companies either intentionally or negligently fail to meet these requirements, and thereby cause investors to lose billions of dollars. BoiesBattin routinely fights for these investors, and has recently prosecuted cases against various companies for conduct such as Ponzi schemes and fraudulent misallocation of dividends.

Consumer Protection
BoiesBattin has a long history of fighting on behalf of consumers, who individually would not be able to enforce their rights. Working side-by-side with state attorney generals from nearly every state in the union, BoiesBattin has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for consumers. In doing so, BoiesBattin has guarded the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace and held businesses guilty of fraudulent or misleading representations accountable.

Product Liability
Product liability is an area of law that allows consumers to recover damages resulting from their purchase of a defective product. Sometimes the defect occurs because of a defective design and sometimes it is because the product was manufactured improperly. In either case, the law can hold manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, retailers, and others responsible for the consumer’s injuries.